4 things to grow on.
Even those born without green thumbs deserve the joys of living memorial plants. So to help you grow happier, healthier plants using Let Your Love Grow, we’ve created these helpful tips. As you look into planting, scattering or burying cremated remains, give these a look to help you grow new life.

1. Follow the mixing directions.
Each LYLG package includes directions to guide you through planting your living memorial. If used properly, our organic soil mixture ensures that your living memorial is eco-friendly — whether you are planting, spreading or burying cremated remains. Make sure you read the directions carefully as you begin your planting.
2. Use the correct amount of ashes.
Let Your Love Grow is specially formulated to offset the high sodium and pH levels in cremated ash. In order to safely nourish memorial plants and the burial of cremated remains, you’ll need to use the right blend of soil and ash. See the instructions included in your kit for ratios.
3. Take special care when potting plants.
If you decide against burying cremated remains, potted plants allow you to safely plant the ashes and keep your loved one close. However, potted plants need a little more love. We recommend always using a 14-inch container or larger – creating plenty of room for the LYLG mixture, ashes and soil to combine into a nourishing mixture for your plant. We also recommend using a container with good drainage. If your container doesn’t have 3-4 holes at the bottom, consider drilling some yourself.
4. Choose the right plants for you and your environment.
For first-time planters, we recommend low-maintenance memorial plants that will thrive even if you forget to water them every once in a while. Consider planting one of the following options for your memorial plant:
- Philodendrons
- Hibiscus
- Crotons
- Ficus
- Peace lily
Where you’re planting is also as important as what you’re planting. A sunny spot is perfectly suited for a warm-weather plant, while shady corners are ideal for low-light plants.
A note about roses…
We understand many people want to memorialize their loved ones with a rose bush. When properly cared for, these memorial plants make some of the most touching tributes we have ever seen. However, roses can be tough. They have been genetically altered over the years to produce the colors and blooms we love, making them more susceptible to disease. Before committing to a rose bush, make sure you do the research and follow all the care tips to create the living memorial we know you’ll love.